Strategic Leadership Training

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The College of Business & Analytics’ Strategic Leadership Training (SLT) is an 8-week program designed to help College of Business & Analytics students refine their leadership skills and abilities. This initiative is built to help aid students in their pursuit of becoming a leader in their lives right now, but also becoming a leader in their future career paths. The goal of the Strategic Leadership Training is to give students the tools they need to aid them in concentrating on their leadership skills. Through a series of hands-on assessments, guest speakers, and leadership materials, students will receive 8-weeks of development on what type of leader they are, what qualities of a leader they exhibit, and how they can continue to further develop their skills even after the conclusion of this program.


  • Aid students in learning their specific leadership style and skill sets
  • Give students in the program a chance to network with established leaders
  • Work collaboratively with other students to help develop leadership styles
  • Foster a supportive and inclusive environment that supports learning
  • Help equip students with the tools they will need to be leaders in their current, and future, career path


Eligible students must be majoring or minoring in the College of Business and Analytics. Please fill out the application form if you are interested in participating in the Leadership Development Program. Applications for the Spring semester are due by noon on February 3, 2023.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Butler at